
The PTO helps our school purchase items and materials that are not in the school or teacher budgets each year. We have had so many successful fundraising events so far this year.  In fact, due to such wonderful parent participation, we were able to give each and every teacher in the school a "mid-year" gift of $200.  This money can be used to supplement the classrooms with much-needed items and supplies.  We were also able to give each grade level hundreds of dollars in Scholastic Dollars to spend on books and other materials.  Your donations and participation in our fundraising events really DOES make a difference!  We are off to a great start this year and can only THANK YOU for your help and support!


How it's done...

Teachers, families and local businesses work together to accomplish these goals by:


  • Eating out on Give Back Nights
  • Buying spirit wear
  • Supporting our monthly fundraisers
  • Saving and bringing in Box Tops for Education


Thanks for all you do to make our school great!



Another great way to help our PTO is utilizing Amazon Smile for all of your Amazon purchases.  It's the same Amazon experience you love with the same products you use, but by clicking on the link below, the PTO gets back .5% of eligible purchases!  It's a quick and easy way to help us in our fundraising goals!